I think
that the holocaust was worse, because there were more people that died. They
had to go through many things. The rape of the Nanking killed many people but
so did the holocaust. But to me I think the holocaust was worse. Because they
were starved, had illnesses, brutal labor, and other things that were not good
for them. When children were born at the camps they would be killed right away
the parents didn’t get the choice if they would be killed or not. I think that the
Nanking was bad too; the women that were pregnant had it bad too. They were
raped and then would have their bellies slit open and then the baby would be
torn out. The Jewish people were put in gas champers. The children were killed
upon the arrival. I don’t think it was
right to kill children or anyone it wasn’t fair for them to just decide they
wanted to kill certain people. Neither of them should have had the right to go
and decide to do that just because they didn’t like certain people.
I think the Japanese were able to
continue their lives after the war because they can always go to the museum and
see what all happened. The Americans helped with getting them valuable
research. This was because they would act fast so that the Soviets would keep
their hands off of them. Japan has been able to deny what happened. I think
that the Germans did a worse job because they left people to die without any food
or water. I also think that the Germans did more than the Japanese because of
how they handled things.
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