Wednesday, January 28, 2015

My thoughts on capitalism are that if you are “working” for something then you should be able to keep it and not trade it or have to trade it with someone else in a higher class than you are in. You should not have to give or trade it to someone else because they are considered higher up than you are. Even if you are considered to be in the lower class you should be allowed to keep what you have maintained and not give it to someone else. The people that are higher up than you can go and “work” for it themselves. Some people now a days take too much of an advantage of the people in the lower class. The lower the class you are in the higher the classes will take more advantages of you and the others in that class. The Industrial Revolution was part of this in the early 1770s. Without the invention of machines there would have been more jobs for people to work at. Because of the invention people had to find other jobs that they could work at that did not involve machines taking over there spot at that job. Because of the machines people were not paid as much because they had these machines to do their jobs for them so they would get paid less. People that where in the higher class had more control of what would be printed in the newspapers, because they had part ownership, so they did not need to have some of their personal stuff put in there. Because wages fell people could not afford things they needed for their families and themselves. The social impact of capitalism is when workers were forced to have a set maximum wage. Everyone that worked in the same place would pretty much have the same set wages then. 

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

John Adams

John Adams said, “Democracy… while it lasts, is more bloody than either aristocracy or monarchy. Remember, democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts and murders itself. There was never a democracy that did not commit suicide.” This quote, to me means that the higher you are in some societies the more likely you are going to be treated better. The higher you are the more people will know you and the more people will notice you’re name. They will even notice if you are holding hereditary titles. You could also have a higher privilege than anyone else. The lower you are in society the less you will be recognized and the less people will notice you for what you have done. The less other will notice you the less people will notice your name. A monarchy is usually held by one person. The person that it is usually run by is a king, prince, queen, or princess. They are usually passed down from generation to generation. Some monarchies are run by parliaments, Britain and Denmark would be a couple of examples. There are two different kinds of monarchy, one is an absolute monarchy and the other is a limited monarchy. Democracy will basically soon kill itself it could take time but it will eventually soon end. Democracy is a system of government by the population and all eligible members of a state. In a monarchy you will be noticed because democracy is a government run by the people. The people can elect agents under a free electoral system if they choose to. This is something that they do not have to do if they do not want to. People in this usually are respect to their political power. This is usually used in the Middle French, Late Latin, and Greek. Two democracies are the United States and Canada. This means that people can elect their representatives and they can vote on it to choose who will represent their state. 

Monday, January 5, 2015

Bicameral Legislature

The Constitution is bicameral, this means that it is made up of two different houses. There are three different reasons these are: historical, practical, and theoretical.  The historical had thirteen colonies bicameral and two unicameral colonies these are Georgia and Pennsylvania. Practical has a two chambered body because of a conflict between two states. Theoretical had favored bicameral congress so that one house could act on another.