Saturday, December 13, 2014


                In the first article I read, it talks about a “Salt Pit” method of torture.  This method includes being handcuffed to an overhead bar for 22 hours a day. The prisoner is left alone, often in shadows. They are forced to listen to shrieking music, with no heat source. One supervisor says that the “Salt Pit” is “good for interrogations because it is the closest thing… to a dungeon.” I personally believe that this is not “good for interrogation,” this is cruel and horrible thing to do to a human being. This is inhumane, demeaning, and unnecessary treatment of an individual, or individuals. I believe that these CIA- designated “black sites” abroad should be shut down immediately and those involved should be charged with the crimes that  they have done.
                In the second article, it talks about how two people named James Mitchell and Bruce Jessen, they were the head of the CIA’s torture division. Two other people were involved, Grayson Swigert and Hammond Dunbar, these two were part of the torture tactics; waterboarding and mock burial. The second article also includes why this all matters. This matters because someone should not have to be getting paid to come up with different ways to start torturing someone.
                In the article that I found it says that this has been on research for four years. They have also spent well over $40 million. They have been getting serious questions about the terrorist attack in September. One person named Gul Rahman was arrested six weeks after the terrorist attack in September. He was taken the “Salt Pits”, he was taken north of Kabul. Kabul was known as the “Salt Pits”. After the September terrorist attack the CIA headquarters had not proved any interrogation tactics. Rahman was kept a secret, for seven years after he had died.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

28th amendment

The “proposed” 28th amendment-women and men making equal pay with the level of education.
 According to 73% of people vote yes and 27% of people vote no.  Why some people say no, because of maternity leave and the idea of that women’s place is in the home. Although men might do better in engineering and women might do better in the medical field equal pay should be according to experience and education despite gender.

Gender difference shouldn’t matter, if one man and one woman went to college for the same job and had/ has the same level of education. They should both be getting paid the same amount money. The 14th armament states that we are all treated equal; this should be carried out with the work force. Times have changed, more women are head of households and need to provide for the whole family and men are deciding to become stay at home husbands.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Bowling for Columbine

                During class last week, we watched the movie Bowling for Columbine. I thought it was a good movie. Michael Moore had a point on whether or not guns kill people or if people kill people. In the film Moore goes to Canada where he talks to people and they say they don’t have people killing people. I think that this is because people should be smart enough to realize that killing other people isn't the answer to anything.
 Moore also decided to ask if they locked their doors, turns out they don’t. Not locking your doors could be a problem but in Canada they trust that no one is going to randomly walk in their house with a gun and shoot them. The 2nd amendment is the right to bear arms; this has to deal with the gun control. There can be things done to the society to help the gun control. There can be a limit to how many guns a person can own or how many you can have in one household.
 What can be done to help the schools become safer? There can be metal detectors in schools, so that kids have to go through them before they can enter the schools. This will help with the risk of any guns or weapons being in the school. Schools can even monitor visitors more carefully or kids that they think are dangerous or they have heard the kids say something that might make them suspicious of wanting to harm someone in anyway.  
How do the Medias play a part in the society of gun shootings? If you see something on TV you would want to try it out too, wouldn't you? People watching TV could think that since it was on TV why not try it out in the real world. I think that if someone watches a violent movie that they are going to think they can do it in real life. When in reality you shouldn't try something just because you saw it in the media.

                What does the future hold for gun laws? People are arguing about if there needs to be more watching on people buying guns, this includes like background checks and mental health record checks. Points on semi-automatic weapons and high-capacity clips are being debated on if they should be banned or not. I think that a mental health background check is a good idea because you never know where a person comes from. The person buying the next gun behind you could be from a house that has a violent history and that person could be going out to kill someone that did nothing wrong. Barack Obama would rather us not have assault weapons. He would like for the assault weapons to be taken away from everyone. 

Friday, September 19, 2014

Child Abuse

I think that someone shouldn’t be suspended that hasn't been found guilty yet. Just because you discipline your child different than anyone else doesn’t give someone the right to run to the press and say that you abused your children (child). I think that you should be able to still be part of a team until you are found guilty of abusing your child or anyone.

                There are some signs of child abuse that do make people think that you are being abused. Some of them are: having injuries you can’t explain changes in behavior, a fear of going home, changes in the way you eat, if your personal care is lacking or your hygiene is lacking, and risk-taking behaviors.

                If you ask me I think that the changes in behavior is hard to tell if you are being abused or not. This is because I believe people change all the time you just don’t see it right away. It takes time for someone to notice someone else changing.

                I think that everyone just has their own opinion on what child abuse is. In fact I think it’s any type of abuse that everyone thinks is different. Every type of abuse has some different things and some of the same.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

                The past couple of days in government class we have been watching the movie Lincoln. I thought this was a good movie to start the year off with. It showed us how much time he had to put in passing the 13th amendment.

                Lincoln thought he had the power to change lives and free the slaves, but what he didn’t realize is that he was going to need 20 more votes before he could change the lives of slaves. Lincoln knew it was going to be hard passing the 13th amendment, but with help of some good people Lincoln knew that he would be able to get the amendment passed.

                I think that this movie does teach that there is more than just writing down a law or amendment and having the president pass it just like that. It teaches people that there are many different steps you have to go through before anything can be passed.

                How should history remember Lincoln? People shouldn’t have to look at Lincoln different just because he passed the 13th amendment. He was just doing what he thought was best for everyone. Even if he didn’t think of passing the amendment there would still be people mad at him. So either way it was have people mad at him for doing the right or wrong thing. What if it was the other way around with whites being slaves for blacks? 

                I personally don’t think that Lincoln abused his powers. I think that he did the right thing by letting slaves be free. Even if he didn’t pass this amendment who knows maybe one of the next presidents would have. Just because he had thought of before someone else could passes doesn’t mean anyone has to be mad at him and it doesn’t mean that he was right to passing the amendment.


Thursday, August 28, 2014